Justice (Where is it?)

February 14, 2001

I see the struggle of my people in a land so unjust
I try not to revert to racism
But there's very little you can trust
The governments make all these promises
Assuring us it will all be OK
Most of which are broken after election day

Yes words spoken and promises broken
Yet when one of my people become outspoken
We are all stereotyped as radical blacks
When we walk down the street
We're in danger of racial attack

Where in this land is there justice for me
The indigenous one the Aborigine
People tell me day by day
It's a new land now ... a different way
Time to forget the past and move on ahead
But how do I forget the dispossession the assimilation
The annihilation and the genocide
That keeps churning around in my head

Through all of this my people have survived
In society we daily strive
But well we ever really see
Justice prevail to my people and me


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