Picket calls on minister to defend and extend public housing

July 25, 2022
No evictions of housing tenants. Photo: Rachel Evans

Housing activists  organised a protest on July 21 to call for an increase a public investment in public housing. Hands off Glebe (HoG) are organising the actions on the last Thursday of every month. 

Emily Bullock from HoG said the government's privatisation of public assets was leading to shortages in vital services such as housing and transport. She also highlighted the number of vacant properties in Australia, about 10%. 

Public housing residents spoke about their experience in housing and the fear of their homes being demolished.

More than 50,000 people are on the public housing wait list.

The picket collected postcards to send to NSW Housing Minister Anthony Roberts.

[Visit Hands off Glebe to get involved in the campaign.]


Save our public housing. Photo: Rachel Evans


Defend and extend public housing. Photo: Rachel Evans


Housing is a human right. Photo: Rachel Evans

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