RTE1 News 27.09.2003 (Ireland's national news)

July 6, 2005

What do you
tell us tonight?
That part of a ceiling at
a wedding reception
leaving bride and groom
Meanwhile the worldwide
march of people
defied claims the war is over.
Perhaps you ignored us
because you echo those claims,
like a friend of the dying
helplessly repeating
"you'll be okay"
though the dying can see
the path to death.
does not deter us —
society's guts and lungs,
not toe calluses.
When marching,
smiles were exchanged
easily and with warmth.
We know the world is
not meant to be like this,
that stronger ceilings will
come crashing down,
reported or not.

Susan Austin

From Green Left Weekly, July 6, 2005.
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