This week we received a letter from a subscriber. It reads:
"Dear Green Left,
"My subscription will be about up for renewal. I must abandon it. I do this reluctantly. Green Left Weekly is a first-class production, well laid-out, tightly edited. The balance between strictly green and left political themes is skilfully maintained. You've managed to acquire a breadth of sources. Rebuilding a genuinely socialist party in Australia — or anywhere else — will be a long haul. Good luck, and congratulations.
"My problem is an eye condition that prevents me from reading.
"Enclosed is a cheque for $50 for your funds."
The roots that maintain Green Left Weekly run very deep. The spirit to struggle that maintains the paper is reinforced with every contribution and every donation to the paper.
Green Left Weekly does not try merely to passively report the news. We seek to highlight campaigns, to facilitate networking and to revive green and socialist politics.
If you agree with the aims of Green Left then you too have the spirit of struggle. Your contribution, no matter how large or small, will be greatly valued. Write, subscribe or donate today. Green Left Weekly — it's your newspaper. n