Peter Boyle

We are now seeing blowback from global vaccine apartheid in the form of a new COVID-19 variant, writes Peter Boyle, but once again, the world’s richest countries are responding by shutting their doors to poorer nations.

Peter Boyle argues that AUKUS represents a deliberate and dangerous escalation of the US-led confrontation with China that must be challenged.

A global digital campaign will be launched to end the unfair and unjust ban on the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), reports Peter Boyle.

Greenland’s Inatsisartut (parliament) passed a law on November 9, reinstating the country's ban on the prospecting, exploration and exploitation of uranium, reports Peter Boyle.

First Nations and Pacific islander voices were front and centre in the Sydney COP26 climate action march, reports Peter Boyle.

Supporters of the struggle for peace, democracy and women’s rights in Kobane, Rojava, gathered to mark World Kobane Day. Peter Boyle reports.

Within weeks, Greenland's parliament is expected to pass a bill reinstating a ban on uranium mining that was lifted in 2013 under pressure from mining companies, reports Peter Boyle.

Critics say the sale of the final 49% of the WestConnex tollway to a Transurban-led consortium is just another multi-billion-dollar public subsidy to big business. Peter Boyle reports.

Sydney Harbour

Opposition is growing to the New South Wales government's proposal for the Western Harbour Tunnel to go through one of Australia's most toxic sedimentary deposits. Peter Boyle reports.

Green Left speaks to Gabi Brown, who gave evidence behalf of Rozelle Against WestConnex to a New South Wales parliamentary inquiry into the controversial Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Links projects.

Green Left speaks to Dr Ayesha Jehangir, who is currently writing a book about Afghan refugees and media discourses of war and conflict.

Peter Boyle reports on the incredible lengths the Scott Morrison government will go to protect big businesses that have shamelessly rorted JobKeeper.