Peter Boyle

The NSW Premier made an election promise not to privatise any more state infrastructure. Peter Boyle reports on the government's sale of the last segment of the controversial and expensive tollway.

Peter Boyle reports on Ecosocialism 2020, which brought together activists from Brazil, Malaysia, the Philippines and Australia, to discuss how to step up the fight for system change.

Supporters of the Rojava Revoluton in north and east Syria will commemorate the seventh anniversary of World Kobane Day on November 1, writes Peter Boyle.

People rallied in rain at the opening of a NSW parliamentary inquiry into Aboriginal deaths in custody, reports Peter Boyle.

The growing discussion about system change is the result of how barbarous capitalism has become, writes Peter Boyle

A week after the Thai regime issued an emergency decree banning gatherings of more than five people, Peter Boyle reports the Free Youth student-led democracy movement has been staging nightly mass gatherings around the country.

Thai democracy activists took to streets after the violent police attack on a peaceful mass democracy protest in Bangkok, reports Peter Boyle.

The growing wave of student-initiated democracy protests sweeping Thailand since February are shaking the military coup-installed regime, writes Peter Boyle.

Kurds and their allies are demanding the release of Abdullah Ocalan — “the Nelson Mandela of Kurdistan” — who has been imprisoned by Turkey since 1999, reports Peter Boyle.

Thai democracy activists held a sombre commemoration of the 1976 Thammasat University massacre on the steps of Sydney Town Hall, reports Peter Boyle.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese’s budget reply speech failed to offer an alternative course to the Coalition government’s gas and arms export-based vision, argues Peter Boyle.

Bosses could hardly contain their glee at the 2020-21 budget. It is hardly surprising, writes Peter Boyle, given that it was a massive corporate handout.