By Maurice Sibelle BRISBANE — Candidates for the Central Ward in this year's Brisbane City Council election debated local issues at a public meeting organised by the Red Hill/Paddington Residents Group here on February 27. Greens
By Robyn Marshall and Margaret Gleeson MEXICO CITY — The political violence in El Salvador intensified on February 24 with an attempt on the life of ex-Comandante Nidia Diaz. Diaz is a member of the national leadership of the FMLN (Farabundo
A lively discussion is taking place in the republican movement on how to respond to the Downing Street Declaration. Reproduced here are comments from some respected republicans. Fr. Des Wilson, a Catholic priest active in the republican
By Pip Hinman "The policy of detaining people seeking refugee asylum in this country harms those detained and cannot be justified", said Greens (WA) Senator Christabel Chamarette as she tabled her dissenting report on the Joint Standing
With his latest Looking Out column, Brandon Astor Jones appended a small note. It requested that his subscription to Green Left Weekly be sent care of his attorney in future. It seems that Jones' column of February 2, entitled "The keepers and
By Sean Healy CANBERRA — In what was dubbed by its leaders a "high risk strategy", coal miners from as far afield as Collinsville and Bowen in central Queensland marched on Parliament House on March 1 in protest at threatened job losses. The
24-hour rail strike By Geoff Spencer MELBOURNE — Suburban rail guards struck for 24 hours on March 3. A well-attended mass meeting the previous day voted unanimously for industrial action due to the lack of consultation in the
By Norm Dixon JOHANNESBURG — Throughout the negotiations process since 1990, the African National Congress has pushed hard for the post-apartheid constitution to proclaim South Africa a non-sexist state. That this was incorporated into the
By Norm Dixon A high-spirited group of young South Africans, mostly in their teens, had spent the day campaigning in the southern Natal village of Mahehle. Keen to participate in South Africa's first democratic election, they had put up many ANC
By Children of Prisoners Support Group The number of women in NSW prisons has increased from 133 in 1982 to 362 in 1993. Even though there has been a steady increase in the number of women imprisoned, they will remain a minority group within the
By Steve Rogers CANBERRA: A debate on the proposed amalgamation between the Public Sector Union (PSU) and the State Public Service Federation provided a lively focus for the first meeting of the ACT branch conference since the PSU Challenge
Supermarket's cheaper "The idea that if you want a dentist or a doctor, you should scurry around to find the cheapest one, is quite inappropriate in a professional sense. The professional relationship is something quite different to buying goods at