Blonde Ambition By Melanie Sjoberg Before You Were Blonde, Adelaide's wild, jean-clad choir, launched Blonde Ambition, its first three-track CD, at the Fringe on February 18 to an unusually sedate but appreciative audience. The vibrant
Cinderella Goes to Market: Citizenship, Gender and Women's Movements in East Central Europe By Barbara Einhorn Verso, 1993. Australian distributors Allen and Unwin 280 pp. $34.95 (pb) Reviewed by Tracy Sorensen "I think our East European
After 14 years, the landmark Jobs for Women campaign against BHP has formally drawn to a close. Each of the more than 700 women who filed sex discrimination claims against the company for its employment policies of the 1970s and '80s has received
By Melanie Sjoberg ADELAIDE — Trying to pack nearly 300 women into the Irish Hall on Friday, February 18, delayed the start of the second birthday celebrations of Women Performing, a regular cultural event on the alternative scene. It was
Positive women By March 1993, 721 women had been reported in Australia as diagnosed with HIV infection. This represented 4% of reported diagnoses in Australia. Yet more than a decade into the epidemic, women with HIV remain under-studied,
Support for Greens PERTH — "We are urging unions to lend their weight and support to the Greens in the by-elections", Perth Democratic Socialist Party secretary Stephen Robson told Green Left Weekly. The by-election for the federal seat
Adelaide Festival 1994 — Two Worlds' Music — From Japan, this is the first half of a concert recorded on March 8 and features the magical sound of the sho, a 17-pipe mouth organ played by Mayumi Miyata. ABC Fine Music, Wednesday and Thursday,
Israel responsible for massacre Barukh Goldstein walked into the Tomb of the Patriarchs mosque in Hebron on February 25 and mercilessly gunned down 54 worshippers, young and old alike. In doing so, Goldstein exposed not only his own burning
ADELAIDE — A petition opposing the federal government proposal to increase the pension eligibility age for women to 65 has received an enthusiastic response here over the last few weeks. A national campaign has been launched by the Combined
Students at the University of Western Sydney, Nepean, occupied the office of the chief executive at the Kingswood campus on March 4. They were protesting against a new parking policy under which students, staff and visitors are required to pay a fee
US left Having friends in the U.S.A. with roughly the same politics as myself has meant that we regularly swap information about local and international events. The latest news concerning Cuba, El Salvador and Guatemala might be of interest
Karen Lee Wald HAVANA — One of the pioneers in AIDS education/prevention in Cuba, Raul Llanos Lima, died in Havana on February 20 of cardiac arrest. He was 39 years old. He had tested positive for HIV in 1986 and had lived and worked in Cuba's