DILI — Members of Timorese Socialist Party (PST) around East Timor have been occupying buildings left by the Indonesian government in order to establish offices for their work with the grassroots. In order to claim right to use empty buildings,
BY SUE BOLAND Anglo-Australian company Rio Tinto, the world's largest mining company, has more than 60 operations in 40 countries. Antarctica is the only continent that has escaped its ravages. In every continent where Rio Tinto operates the
REVIEW BY JEREMY SMITH Nations Without States: Political Communities in a Global AgeBy Montserrat GuibernauSt Leonards NSW: Allen and Unwin, 1999. $43.91 (pb) Nations Without States tackles an area that few others have been willing to touch: a
BY NORM DIXON The sheer quantity of rhetoric about promoting the noble ideals of democracy, human rights and government transparency notwithstanding, US President Bill Clinton's three-day visit to Nigeria, which began on August 26, was all about
BY SUSAN PRICE MELBOURNE — The ALP-controlled Melbourne University Student Union (MUSU) on August 31 succeeded in scuttling a student general meeting scheduled for September 1 to overturn the MUSU's decision to outlaw support for the September 11
Below are excerpts from the Democratic Socialist Party's greetings to the 29th national Resistance conference, in Melbourne in July. They were presented by JOHN PERCY, DSP national secretary. We're all here because we're fed up with the rottenness
Below is an excerpt of an interview, conducted on March 4, with Dr VANDANA SHIVA by REBECCA GORDON and BOB WING. It appeared in the August 16 issue of the United States magazine ColorLines. The mainstream press in the US treats globalisation as the
BY LINDA WALDRON MELBOURNE — On August 25 Brunswick Town Hall confirmed its reputation as a long-time sanctuary for capitalism. Jeff Kennett's most prominent publicist, comedian Rod Quantock, refereed a brutal debate between two teams of
Sixty years ago, on August 20, Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky was killed by an agent of Stalin. A decade after the "collapse of communism", is there any point remembering this anniversary? In his time, Trotsky was feared and maligned by
BY SIMON BUTLER It seems that for the federal Coalition government to even pretend to respect the human rights of refugees, women or Aborigines has become far too tedious and burdensome to bother with. On August 28, a desperate protest by asylum
BY BRONWEN BEECHEY ADELAIDE — The August 28 militant protest by refugees at the Woomera Detention Centre, in South Australia's outback, sparked a racist frenzy from both Liberal and Labor politicians, and the capitalist media. Liberal Premier
BY CHRIS SLEE MELBOURNE — Four hundred people demonstrated on August 29 against the proposed outsourcing of the CSIRO's computer system. The demonstration, held outside the Casselden Place building, was organised by the CSIRO Staff Association.