Better babies? Speaking at the National Press Club recently, prominent bioethicist Julian Savulescu argued for embryonic research aimed at making genetic enhancements to humans. He made some worthwhile points. There is a moral continuum running
On June 29, Mehmet Tarhan, who has refused to serve his compulsory military service, was re-arrested on insubordination charges. Tarhan was asked to apply for a discharge on the grounds that he is an openly gay man, but refuses to endorse such

Norm Dixon The mass media hype about "a new deal between rich and poor", in response to the powerful Group of Eight industrialised countries' plan to cancel multilateral debts owed by 18 mainly African countries, has led many people to believe that

BY ANDY BLUNDEN Anyone who has participated in organising broad campaigns and protests will know that on many issues people split in two along very similar lines: on the one hand, people coming from the various social movements or young people
SYDNEY — A new analysis by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) of the impact of the federal government's changes to welfare, announced in the May budget, reveals that many people who find part-time work or undertake study after July
Norm Dixon @into = Two million South African workers went on strike and hundreds of thousands marched in protest at continuing job losses and poverty in a national strike called by the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) on June 27.
Eva Cheng The US government is stepping up its attempts to blame China for some of its own economic woes. In a May report to the US Congress, it threatened to officially designate China a "currency manipulating economy" if by October it hadn't
James Balowski, Jakarta "Based on everything we have obtained, the [National Intelligence] Agency [BIN] is believed to have played a major role in a well-planned conspiracy to murder Munir", Asmara Nababan, the deputy chairperson of the Fact
The ALP's continued rightward shift opens up spaces for left alternatives. Labor's refusal to act as a real alternative to the Coalition during the last federal election contributed to their electoral routing and deepened the disillusionment of a
SYDNEY — A forum on the politics of war was held at the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre on June 26, organised by the Newtown and Marrickville peace groups. Donna Mulhearn, journalist, aid worker and "human shield" during the Iraq war, and state
Estimates of attendance at protest rallies and meetings against the Coalition government's anti-union laws include: June 30 Adelaide — 7000 Brisbane — 20,000-25,000 Cairns — 2000 Canberra (June 26) — 500 Darwin — 2000
Sue Bull, Geelong Ten-thousand workers jammed the streets of Geelong in the pouring rain on June 30 to protest PM John Howard's proposed anti-union legislation. Not only was every union represented, but pensioners, young children, disabled