Tristan and YseultKneehigh TheatreThe Seymour Centre, SydneyUntil February 19 REVIEW BY BRENDAN DOYLE Live theatre should be a joyful experience. Who wants to be bored or lectured to? The audience should feel emotionally and intellectually
Premier Morris IemmaNSW government I write to comment on the new public disorder powers, and to inform you and your police that I consider them to be bad laws. I do not wish myself or any member of my family to ever be physically touched by
On January 17, more than 200 rank-and-file workers demonstrated at the Human Resource Ministry in Putrajaya, forcing the deputy minister to meet with a delegation of protesters. The protest was led by the Coalition of Factory Workers and Trade Unions
Dale Mills Police in NSW commit unlawful violent acts and cover up for each other, according to the recently published Operation Whistler report. Operation Whistler was an investigation by the NSW Police Integrity Commission focussed on the
Roberto Jorquera The election of the Socialist Party's Michelle Bachelet as president on January 11, with 3.6 million votes (53%), was greeted with street parties throughout Chile. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez immediately rang Bachelet and
Simon Butler, Newcastle In the days immediately following the racist riots in Cronulla late last year, text messages began circulating in Newcastle advertising a "Cronulla-style" rally at the local Nobby's Beach. Within 48 hours of receiving this
Doug Lorimer Iran's January 9 decision to reopen its uranium enrichment research facilities after a voluntary year-long suspension has been seized on by the US and its European Union allies to push for Iran to be referred by the UN's Vienna-based
Tania Roth On January 13, the ARD public television's magazine Panorama and the national newspaper Die Sueddeutsche Zeitung (SD) broke the news that in 2003, two agents of the German secret service (BND) stayed in Iraq and worked as informants for
War criminal Could John Howard please explain how "sedition laws" might compare to the international law of "inciting a war of aggression". Clearly, if truth is a defence, the attack on Iraq will always be illegal and Howard will always be a war
Cutting Edge: The Last Abortion Clinic — Looks at how increasing US state abortion regulations and the decline in abortion providers will affect the pro-choice movement's influence in this enduring debate. SBS, Tuesday, January 24, 8.30pm. The
Sue Bull, Ballarat After the defeat by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) last year of two ballots for a non-union enterprise agreement at the University of Ballarat, management resorted to offering Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs)
The United States of NothingWitten and directed by Stephen SewellStarring Roy Billing, Katrina Foster, Kristian Schmid and Amelia CormackWorld premiere at the SBW Stables Theatre, Kings Cross, SydneyTo February 4 REVIEW BY HELEN JARVIS With his