Radio highlights

July 31, 1996

Radio highlights

A Law for Women: Women and Debt — What should women consider before signing financial documents? This program gives hints on how to beat the sexist financial system. 2SER Sydney (107.3 FM), Wednesday, July 31, 9.30pm, and Friday, August 2, 9am.

Seeds of Change — How can you "think globally and act locally"? What does it really mean to be "green", and what is biodiversity? If the magnitude of environmental degradation is swamping you in despair, tune into Seeds of Change. 2NUR Newcastle, (103.7 FM), every Sunday, 5pm.

Women on the Line: Women's Work — Despite 30 years of women's struggles to achieve equal pay, wage differentials between men and women are almost unchanged. Increasing levels of part-time work, enterprise bargaining and union amalgamations have further weakened women's industrial position. Women have made gains in anti-discrimination, affirmative action, maternity and family leave laws, but the Howard government is attempting to radically alter industrial relations, and individual contracts are likely to erode many hard-won conditions. Women on the Line presents a series that deals with the issues of women and work. This episode looks at sex discrimination and affirmative action. 2XX Canberra (1008 AM), Friday, August 2, 6pm and Sunday August 4, 4.30pm.

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