Anti-war message from John Pilger

November 17, 1993

"Today is a day of celebration and vindication for the millions of people across the world who protested against the invasion of Iraq. We didn't stop it, but we came very close when you look at what has happened to Blair in Britain. Consider the journey we've come. Never has the world been made more aware of danger than today — aware not only of al Qaeda, but of the far greater danger of Bush, and his vassals. The Spanish prime minister says the invasion was "organised with lies" — absolutely true. But who said that first? Who alerted the rest of humanity to the grave danger posed by Bush and Blair, Aznar and Howard? We did. You did. And there is no turning back now. The superpower called public opinion has never been more powerful."

[This message from internationally renowned journalist John Pilger was read out at anti-war rallies around the country on March 20.]

From Green Left Weekly, March 24, 2004.
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