International solidarity

The Blue Mountains Tibetan community and supporters marked Tibetan National Uprising Day on Dharug and Gundungurra country. Renee Lees reports.

Safer World for All organised a candidates’ forum in Wills, where discussion about Labor’s policies towards Palestine dominated discussion. Allen Jennings reports.

About 40 people formed a chain at Sydney Town Hall in solidarity with the women in Palestine on the eve of International Women’s Day. Jepke Goudsmit reports.


Europe must not become a clone of the United States, argues Belgian socialist Peter Mertens. Instead, it must dare to chart a new course.

Ferat Kocak

Die Linke (The Left), Germany’s democratic socialist party, staged a huge upset in the capital, Berlin, winning 21.8% of the city’s vote in the February 23 elections. Marcel Cartier looks behind the party’s revival and the challenge in winning working-class support away from the far right.

Members of The Hague Group

The Hague Group — representing Bolivia, Cuba, Colombia, Honduras, Malaysia, Namibia and South Africa — formed to hold Israel accountable under international law for its illegal occupation of Palestine and ongoing genocide against Palestinians, reports Ben Radford

Boris Kagarlitsky

Supporters of imprisoned Russian sociologist, author and anti-war activist Boris Kagarlitsky released the following message, recorded from his prison cell, reports Susan Price.

Zionist social media influencers and Labor members Ofir Birenbaum and Sophie Calland are gearing up for the federal election. Wendy Bacon and Yaakov Aharon report.

The new Universities Australia definition of antisemitism is an ugly attempt to silence the pro-Palestine movement on campuses and academics, university workers and students who critique Israel and Zionism. Markela Panegyres and Jonathan Strauss report.

Nilufer Koc speaking

Nilüfer Koç is the spokesperson for the Commission on Foreign Relations of the Kurdistan National Congress, a coalition of political parties and civil society organisations from Kurdistan and the Kurdish diaspora. She spoke to Green Left about the challenges ahead following the historic call by imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan for the disarmament and dissolution of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.

Marching against Israel's violations of the ceasefire agreement, Gadigal Country/Sydney, March 2

Protesters took to the streets as Israel violates the ceasefire agreement again. Pip Hinman and Peter Boyle report.

A protest outside Labor MP Andrew Giles’ office was called in response to the growing number of Islamophobic attacks that governments are downplaying. Jordan AK reports.