BY SUE BOLTON At a joint media conference on March 17, Electrical Trades Union Victorian secretary Dean Mighell and United Firefighters Union Victorian secretary Peter Marshall announced that they were quitting the Labor Party. It is not
BY GRAHAM MATTHEWS MELBOURNE — At its March 19 meeting the central Melbourne Refugee Action Collective (RAC-Vic) endorsed the idea of a national day of action for refugee rights for Sunday June 2. While not discussing details of the action, RAC
BY LISA MACDONALD SYDNEY — "We want the people detained in the Villawood refugee prison, as well as the Australian public, to know that there are many people in this country, and around the world, who strongly oppose the Australian government's
BY KEEANGA-YAMAHTTA TAYLOR ATLANTA — Jamil Abdullah al Amin, the former 1960s Black Power leader, then known as H. Rap Brown, was found guilty on March 9 of shooting one Atlanta cop to death and injuring another. Prosecutors are seeking the death
Rally for Palestine I BRISBANE — A speakout against Israel's terror against the Palestinian people was held on the steps of King George Square on March 22. Organised by the M1 Alliance, the action drew attention to the Palestinian people's
Terror laws in parliament On March 22, the federal government introduced the final bill of its "anti-terrorism" package into parliament. It proposes to give ASIO the right to detain people for 48 hours without access to legal advice, and with
BY A. SATTAR "The rise of fundamentalism in Pakistan is a vote of no-confidence of the working people in capitalist and feudal parties. It is the failure of these parties in power, which has given rise to religious fanaticism", argues Farooq Tariq,
Three million demonstrators marched through Rome on March 23 to protest new labour laws which will make it easier for employers to sack workers. The protest, the biggest ever held in Italy, was organised by the CGIL trade union federation.From Green
BY MAX LANE Almost every day, details of the murder of Acehnese civilians by Indonesian military forces are reported by democratic and human rights organisations and international news agencies. At least 300 killings have been reported since
GEELONG — On March 23 the Geelong branch of the Democratic Socialist Party unveiled its new shopfront and opening hours. The bookshop is open Monday to Wednesday from 4-6pm, Thursdays noon to 6pm, Fridays 5-7pm and Saturdays 9.30am to 12.30pm. The
BY LISA MACDONALD SYDNEY — "Justice, yes! Occupation, no! Israeli troops have got to go!" and "Free, free Palestine!". These words echoed down the main streets of central Sydney on March 24, as more than 400 protesters marched from Sydney Town
BY LAUREN CARROLL-HARRIS   If you believed everything that you read in the corporate media then you would think that all young people are apathetic and that Australian youth are the most apathetic in the world. This is what two recent